Sunday, November 29, 2009

Moving Day

It's cold and cloudy today, this last day of the Thanksgiving weekend, 2009. We are finally resting a little after all the cooking and traveling and visiting of the past three days.

Some people don't get to rest today. We saw this garage moving down our road this afternoon, VERY slowly.

Friday, November 13, 2009


This large role of field tile has a balloon bouquet attached to it. I wonder why? Is it it's birthday or are these congratulatory balloons? Just one of life's little mysteries...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Deer Damage

Yesterday on my walk, I discovered a deer had attacked my poor little aspen tree.

This little pine tree did not escape:

Neither did this honeysuckle:

Someone is not doing his job!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cold Ride

I saw a three-wheeled motorcycle with a cab today, cruising down the street in Waterloo. (Sorry for the out-of-focus photo. I took it while I was stopped at a stoplight.) Even with the protection from the wind, it had to be a cold ride with the open sides.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I haven't posted in, oh, about six weeks. We've gone from early fall to late fall and it seems like it's been raining the whole time. So many gray, cloudy, cold, damp days in a row that I lost count. But this weekend was nice and the nearly-full moon was a welcome sight.