It's the last day of September and fall is really upon us. The harvest is in full swing. We haven't had a frost yet but that may happen tomorrow night. The weather has been great the last few days except for the darn bugs that are always out at this time of year, finding a place to overwinter.
I wish I could remember the name of this plant. It's beautiful right now!
The weather has been very cool and now is pleasantly warm but very humid. Harvest is underway, when it isn't raining. I think we've had quite enough rain for now.
I had a visitor on the sidewalk in the rain this afternoon.
We woke up very early this morning to lots of lightning and thunder. Tonight, we're having more of the same. The middle of the day was cloudy and quite cool for September. 'Tis fall...
Our weather will be more fall-like for the next few days. If cooler weather causes the tiny pirates bugs to disappear, I'm all for it. Those bugs have a bite that causes pain all out of proportion to their size. For a few days every fall they make it unpleasant to be outside in the afternoon.
It's been a beautiful fall day. The bees have really been visiting the sedum in the flower bed. Their stings hurt, as I can attest from last weekend when I got stung.
I haven't posted for a few days but took pictures anyway. It's been lovely fall weather, except for an abundance of all types of bugs. That usually happens this time of year. Strangely enough, my crabapple tree must think it's spring as it some buds!