This is going to be perhaps the most uncomfortably hot and steamy day of the summer so far. I'm heading for air-conditioned stores, thankful my corn detasseling days are behind me.
It's the height of summer. Mosquitoes are out in full force, just loving the dampness. Flowers are blooming and the tomatoes are battling it out with the weeds.
I can't seem to accomplish anything except mowing, laundry, and picking beans. I have been gone more than I've been home so that is part of the problem.
Another four days have somehow slipped away but I took photos on three of those days. We've had so much rain that I predict arks will be the new hot item.
Here are photos from the last three days. It was raining on the 4th of July so I missed that day.
Today was hot and sunny, perfect for the start of a holiday weekend. We had to be gone so I didn't finish up the mowing. Just as well as my sunburn needs time to heal.